
Εξαναγκασμός Εργοδοτούμενου σε Παραίτηση

Τι είναι o εξαναγκασμός σε παραίτηση? Ο εξαναγκασμός σε παραίτηση υφίσταται όταν ο εργοδοτούμενος αναγκάζεται να παραιτηθεί λόγω…
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Announcement of the Supreme Court on the operation of courts and registers.

The Supreme Court issued the following announcement regarding the operation of the courts and registers after the outbreak…
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New law in England on consumer protection in the field of assisted reproduction.

The main objective is to review the current situation, to provide a series of guidelines on how the…
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In 2021 the architectural competition for the new Nicosia courthouse

The Council of Ministers approved a proposal of the Minister of Justice and Public Order Emily Giolitis, for…
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Excessive formalism of the courts as a restriction on the right of access to justice

Formalism may be inherent in legal science and jurisprudence, in particular jurisprudence, since the rules of law are…

Death penalty: Facts about the situation in Europe and the rest of the world

In 2019, 142 countries had abolished the death penalty, legally or practically, while 56 still allowed it.  …

Exemption of a student from the religious course: The court accepted the request for suspension of compulsory attendance until a decision is made on the request for annulment

The 3-member Administrative Court of Appeal of Athens with no. 32/2020 its decision, suspended the execution of acts…

Myron Nikolatos, chairman of the Research Committee for naturalizations

Attorney General Savvidis appointed the Commission to investigate all cases of exceptional naturalization αλλοδαπών επενδυτών και επιχειρηματιών από…

Appearances of lawyers members of the “judge’s family”: Addition to the Guide to Judicial Conduct

The Supreme Court, in a recent session, decided to further review the Guide to Judicial Conduct for the…